Our Journey

This blog is a small peek inside our family's first adventure into the world of adoption. We welcome your encouragement & financial support, but most importantly we appreciate your prayer covering as we climb the mountains & wander the valleys of this incredibly crazy, yet exciting journey God is leading our family on. We also ask for your prayer covering over our new children, wherever & whoever they are, that they will sense God's loving presence as He snuggles them for us, & for protection from satan's evil schemes toward each of us. Though we may be on opposite sides of the globe, or just a few miles apart, we trust God has already been preparing all of us for each other as our family grows again. May all the Glory in this journey go to our Heavenly Father, who adopted each of us as His own beloved sons & daughters.

About Us

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Refusing To Be A Settler

It has been said that we should wait to adopt until our life has settled down for awhile. I've been trying to figure out even one season of our 20 yr marriage that life has been "settled" long enough to have completed an adoption...

If that is the qualifier, I can't think of a single season we'd have ever come close to qualifying. The fact is, dreamers & visionaries simply do not wait for life to settle before they pursue their dreams. Those who choose to be settled before pursuing what God has put before them to do, are the folks who got too comfortable in their settled season, they remain on the couch still waiting for life to settle more. We are a family of big dreamers. Big huge God size dreams. Because if a dream is small enough to fulfill it without God, then God is not in it. God likes to give impossible dreams for us to accomplish so as the dream is being fulfilled, He can say "This is the 'I'm Possible' dream!"

Last night as I was putting leftovers away (after signing off of FB), I noticed a quote on our fridge that has slowly been edged out by chore charts, coupons, and other miscellaneous items stuck over top of it. It says, "Go Confidently In The Direction Of Your Dreams". That is when God spoke, "If you're 'settling', you're not going anywhere. If you're 'GO-ing', you're not going to live like a settler." I needed that boost to be able to go to bed last night not feeling as discouraged as when I woke up yesterday. We're not quitters. And we're not settlers. I refuse to wear a label that says otherwise.

Off to continue to pursue big things... 

1 comment:

  1. Satan has a way of putting dampers on our dreams (callings) that we feel discouraged. So we take a moment, catch our breath, get up, and keep moving towards that calling. It has always been my feelings that if God is calling me to do something, it becomes a dream, a goal, to achieve. Sometimes I need a swift kick in the pants to make me move faster or take that next step especially when satan is trying to make me take a detour. Hugs and much prayer going your way as you continue to pursue the calling God has placed upon your hearts and in your dreams.

    God's Blessings


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